Thursday, September 13, 2012

This I believe...

This IBelieve…
            If someonewere to ask me what the biggest lesson I’ve learned in my life was, I wouldn’treally be able to pick one. Every day I go through a situation that teaches mesomething new about myself, others, or my purpose on this earth. Although someof these situations aren’t good, I know that in the end I’ll be taught a veryvaluable lesson. Everything that happens in life is meant to teach me a veryvaluable lesson.
            When I waslittle I never had a care in the world, I never knew all of the bad things thatwere happening in my life, specifically with my mom. When I was six my mom wasdiagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I had no idea that I could lose my momto this disease. Initially the diagnosis was positive, or as positive as acancer diagnosis could be. After multiple rounds of then, cutting edgechemotherapy, two stem cell transplants, most people have a hard time survivingone, and a medical bill of almost one million dollars, my mom died. January 4,2002 was the most life changing day I’ve ever experienced. I lost my bestfriend, my inspiration, my everything. I would never again have a mom I wouldever be able to gleam wisdom from. This situation is never easy, but I do knowthat my mom is in heaven for a reason. I know that I wouldn’t be as strong as Iam, without this tragedy in my life. In fact, I’ve learned that even though mymom may have died, she’s still always with me. She may have left in a physicalaspect. But the love she has for me has never, and will never leave my life.That constant, unconditional love in my heart is what gets me through everyday.
            Losing a momisn’t easy in any way at all, but I have learned how to make it a littleeasier. I live my life 110% dedicated to Jesus Christ. With that come so manybenefits. I know that He is willing to take away my problems or struggles. Ilook to Him at all times because I know my mom isn’t here for a reason. I maynot know that reason yet, but one day I’ll find out. My mom was the strongestwoman I’ve ever met, she never gave up, and she always did everything to makesure God looked down and smiled. She is truly the inspiration to my life, andthe greatest person I’ve ever met. Without going through what I have, I knowthat I wouldn’t be where I am today. I believe fully and truly that everythinghappens for a reason.

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