Monday, March 19, 2012

Pain Is A Cycle

I strongly believe that pain comes in our life as a cycle. If we're not experiencing pain first hand, there is someone we're close to that is. God has a really interesting plan for my life, and I've found that out recently. As you all know my family and I have experienced immense amounts of pain from my mom dying. But pain is temporary, it never fully goes away, but it gets a lot easier. I've used this tragedy to help me with so many things. It's made me find a lot of strength within myself to help others get through their own pain
Ya know, helping people has just been something that i like to do. It's really important that people know that i don't look at anyone in a lesser for, just because the things that cause them pain isn't as severe as a mom dying. I believe that pain is pain. It's temporary. I even go through things, that i feel that are harder than losing a mom, and that's only because that pain isn't constant. I admire those who constantly show strength and courage through their actions. I try to do that as well. I'm going to continue to follow the path that God set for me, and help people get through pain. You'd be surprised by the amount of people you can help,by simply just opening up your heart.And through all this, you can share the word of God. That's why i know i'm following God's plan. I know my mom looks down on me with a smile. Her favorite bible verse was "'I know the plans I have for you.' Declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.'"
That's what i'll do, follow God's plan. That's what my mom wants for my life, because if  I follow his plan, she'll know i lived my life to the fullest.

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